Welcome to GMB CABS




As you all may be aware the current Pay Deal ends on June 30th 2024.

The company have now arranged for Pay Talks to commence on June 3rd 2024.

If you have any questions on this or any other subject, please speak to your local rep.


Many thanks

Yours in Solidarity.


Think something needs adding to the website speak to one of the reps or email info@gmbcabs.com

     JCB cabs 43 hours request

Dear GMB members,

It is understood that during a briefing today at JCB cabs systems reference was made that I have agreed to the imposing of the 43-hour agreement for next week, this was verbally communicated via a JCB manager.

To be clear on this matter I have not agreed to anything on behalf of any member on this matter and that the current working agreements should be supported wherever possible alongside work life balance being considered.

No GMB representative regardless of position has the authority collectively force agreements that are voluntary. The company can request a reasonable about of overtime but that should consider personal circumstances.

I hope this helps to clarify the situation.


Stuart Harrison 

Michael Whilshaw

Having issues logging in to view your pay slip here is the number you need 01889 593143 or Hr.administration@jcb.com

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